Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Alan Keyes' s America" on "Talk to Solomon" internet show

Readers of Loyal to Liberty may be interested to know that I am now appearing regularly on Stan's Solomon's internet Broadcast show. The "Alan Keyes's America" segment airs starting at 7:30 PM every Tuesday evening. Below is the broadcast that aired this past Tuesday. My guest segment begins about 30 minutes into the broadcast. Please spread the word.


Anonymous said...

I truly wish Alan Keyes is our President instead of BO. It's a shame John McCain ran instead.

Alan, please keep up your efforts.
When they get BO and his usurpers and supporters out of office, I pray you'll replace him as our President and appoint to replace all BO's fraudulent decisions.

God be with you and yours always.

gilbertabrett said...

Happy Labor Day to all.

Watched CBN news this morning - some people are saying parents are silly (the "White House" says this too) to be worried about the "president" speaking to children on their FIRST day of school. They say other presidents did that. Funny, but I went to school from four years old until I was 19. NEVER was I made to sit in a class and watch the president give a speech. NEVER. Not even in AP classes or once in college...

Excuse me, but in this day of ADD and ADHD, when is the last time you kept a third grader's attention for more than 37 seconds without an Ipod or touch phone used in the conversation??? Do children now have something they did not have when I was growing up - the knowledge to understand wisdom - even if it is EVIL wisdom (trickery) they are being forced to hear?

It is so funny to me that everything that the "government" cannot explain since they moved King Hussein into OUR White House (birth certificate, stimulus, czars, etc.) is labeled as silly or laughed at. There are only two cases where laughter is that acceptable - crazy as a loon or being a hyena...

I watched Dr. Keyes in this post and liked what I heard for the most part. I just think the government needs to keep their nose pretty much out of this. If they REALLY wanted to help, then they would set up protections for people that pay for years and then are denied help - like my dad was. Or have to wait for YEARS to get what they had paid tens of thousands of dollars for for many years - like my dad did. By then, the added stress of being denied or told to wait until you are worried you are going to lose your home can kill you - like it helped to kill my dad.

The government REFUSES to do the jobs specified in the Constitution, but ALWAYS comes up with NEW jobs to "keep them busy" and give them a platform. Yet, here we are in the middle of the biggest war in my lifetime, and we go on from day to day as if the biggest thing we have to worry about is "health care" (a ruse for monetary control & power) and our financial woes. If we do not win this war, and these people take over our government (which they already basically have with King Hussein in OUR White House) is all of this going to even matter? We will be riding camels and living in tents - those of us who make it through...

Does the mass majority of people in this country realize how close Iran is to having a nuclear bomb? Do the mass majority of Americans know that Iran could care less about our "health care" and financial woes when they decide to drop one and start a bigger war. Does the mass majority of Americans even stop to consider that these people have been waging war against us way before 9/11? Bleeding us dry and wearing us down...

"Health care" is just ANOTHER ruse to keep us in the dark and worried about things we cannot control as long as we sit idly by making speeches or writing letters so the "government" can pretend they are fighting a war that is obviously being lost. We do not even stand up for what is right in THIS country when it comes to the control that we have allowed the Muhammadans to wield. King Hussein PRAISED the accomplishments of Muhammadans in this country for Ramadan, but could not be heard on the National Day of Prayer - WHY???

You can freely read about "health care" in countries that worship Muhammad. They have abortion rights - it is called honor killing. Take the mother with the baby... it is even practiced over here in our "civil" society. Many other examples are out there to see how you receive top notch treatment in those countries...

If Americans that are ADULTS are so easily maneuvered and accept whatever TRASH we get as "leaders" (and we are and do) then what is going to happen to those weak minded children that are growing up in the age of Obama???????

I don't think we will have to worry about "health care..."

Old Bob said...

Dr. Keyes: Thank you for standing up courageously and consistently for the founding principles of our republic! As to Joe Wilson, the thought sneaked into my mind that it was rather appropriate - in an ironic sort of way - for a man from South Carolina to challenge the U. S. government. I seem to recall there was a little incident in 1861 . . . .

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