[Since this blog began a reader who signs as tj marz has left some evocative verses as comments on some of the posts. For the benefit of readers who haven't run across these little gifts, I offer the following recent examples. They prove I think that once you get here, it pays to look around. There are more, for those willing to do so.]
i remember how
hard it was
to breathe
down there
like a hot pillow
over my face
in a dark room
business week
minded professors
fraternal saturdays
sacrificial lamb
on sundays
lepers of arrogance
graduate to sit
behind teak
top desks fine
in high back
leather soft
inside buildings
of granite & marble
under the false
pretense that
the ironic pillars
of this new rome
will continue
to protect them
so proud that
their kids
go to hell
-tj marz
March 21, 2009 3:04 AM
the hollow men (revisited)
these men
of power
are hollow
piggy banks
filled w/ money
i choose
to fill
my void
w/ the most
powerful stuff
i know of
The Holy Trinity
penny for
your thoughts
on the
-tj marz
March 20, 2009 6:18 PM
veteran at mass
he rests
his forehead
on the
church pew
before him
it is all
that holds him
tears fall
from his face
like bombs
into the
rich green
da nang
-tj marz
March 18, 2009 9:38 PM
the blue catskill
mountains is sacred
ground to the
algonquin & early
dutch settlers
look up from this
burial ground
see the sun is
a perfect cross
roman cut
in crystal
slices through
cloth & into
His shoulders
-tj marz
March 17, 2009 3:58 AM
I have to admit that I find tj's posts difficult to understand sometimes, but they are generally pretty rewarding and provide a new perspective on the discussions where they're found.
I like your poetry/postings, TJ! Wish we could get O'Drama's silent lawyer on this blog to have that kind of clarity and GET TO THE POINT... of course, when you are trying to defend the indefensible...
last of the 49ers
uncle sam
is broke
hunched over
in a stream bed
his red
white & blue
is soiled & faded
to a bearded white
striped pants now
frayed to the calf
resembles a prison
uniform worn-out
gangly creature
mumbling to himself
by the other
"simple sam"
they call him
his old wood
pan filled
w/ large holes
gold nuggets &
pass thru it
like the sieve
that it is
only large
rock, sticks
& human waste
from the
logging camp
-tj marz
And so it goes, the very few Righteous Leaders that remain are quickly passed through this unholy sieve. Alan Keyes may be the last glimmer of golden leadership this country has left.
I am honored to have my words posted on LOYAL to LIBERTY. Thank-you for allowing me the opportunity to share my thoughts with you and others in this manner. I was both surprised and humbled by your March 22 posting above. In times like these, the images feel sharper, ideas and metaphors are almost free flowing. The last time I seriously wrote was back in the early 1980s for various small press publications. It was only until recently I stumbled onto a blog site called "Lightning is My Girl" by a very creative young lady, Melissa Auf der Maur, a talented musician and photographer. For reasons unknown to me, the photographic imagery presented there sent the dusty Renaissance portion of my brain into motion. I tread very lighty with my creative friends, usually just wading in the shallow waters of that pool, making sure first it is not a cesspool that I am stepping into. Most in the "Creative Arts" have quite a different perspective of the world than I do. I do credit Ms. Auf der Maur as being instrumental for the verse that you see here.
I am nobody special. Working day and night just "to pay bills" like so many millions of Americans. Amongst my peers, our time and money has already been taken away from us by design. We are neither weak-minded nor apathetic to our environment that surrounds us. It simply feels like being stuck between the wheels that grind. These wheels turn slow, while the erosion of our Liberty hastens. I believe you are a man that plays a most important role in stopping and reversing this evil process already in motion. I pray the time is short when the millions of me join in unity with you.
Go With God,
I love your poetry tj! Wish I could articulate my thoughts thus...
Thank you Mr Keyes for this blog and for speaking out as you do!
Thanks, tj, for your evocative gifts, which I skimmed at first until I found luminous images collecting and connecting in my own sieve. And thanks Dr. Keyes for graciously calling for the poet's well-deserved encore.
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